Adopting Compulsory Voting Laws

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Adopting Different Voting Laws Every country is composed of different people and works in its own unique way. Every country has their own set of laws, which should be contributing to the betterment and stability of the people and the country as a whole. There are voting laws in every country, and every country’s law is different. Australian voting laws require every adult to vote in national elections. America does not have this type of law that makes it compulsory for every adult to vote in national elections. What if a country could adopt another country’s laws? What would happen if America adopted Australian voting laws? By using a law that works for another country, there is a possibility that the law could help the new country who is now using it. By adopting Australian voting laws, and laws similar to Australia, America would benefit from having fair elections, having the right candidate being chosen for office and creating a better overall nation. Australia is its own island and country. Australia is a country that takes national office and elections very seriously. Galligan states that “voting rights are at the heart of Australian federal constitutionalism and government.” The Australian constitution does not have laws about citizenship, but rather the parliament takes care of these matters. It does state, however, that voting for every adult “is compulsory and widely supported” (Galligan 50). This means that every adult resident, legally, must take part in the elections that occur in Australia. Each state has their own set rules and responsibilities that must be done by everyone who is considered a citizen, but the common law between all the states is the voting law. Everyone who is a citizen in Australia knows their rights and duties, and voting is one of them. Many other countries have similar voting laws to Australia. There

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