A Survey Of Food Problems

273 Words2 Pages
Antoniades, M., & Tarasuk, V. (1998). A Survey of Food Problems Experienced by Toronto Street Youth. canadian journal of public health, 89(6), 371-375. The academic journal A Survey of Food Problems Experienced by Toronto Street Youth, written by Margarita Antoniades and Valeris Tarasuk, will be used to reveal as well as understand several issues that are commonly faced by homeless youth in the City of Toronto. The main purpose of the research conducted by Antoniades and Tarasuk was to evaluate the level of starvation experienced by Toronto homeless youth. Antoniades and Tarasuk examined the level of food scarcity by considering factors such as how many meals are eaten each day, the type of food available, the cost of food, and accessibility of food. A sample consisting of 88 youth individuals living in the streets of Toronto were selected for the study. According to Antoniades and Tarasuk, nearly half of the homeless youth were experiencing involuntary starvation and food deprivation on a daily basis. The research conducted by Antoniades and Tarasuk will help solidify my research topic. Antoniades and Tarasuk findings’ will be compared against the results of surveys as well as interviews administered to youth counselors, organizations designed to assist homeless youth in Toronto, and youth living in the streets of Toronto. The results of my research will be compared and contrasted against the article written by Antoniades and Tarasuk. Similarities and dissimilarities will be discussed to depict the root causes of starvation and food deprivation among homeless Toronto youth as well as to identify the type of services available to assist starving homeless youth sleeping in the streets of

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