A Comparison of Roman Polanskis Visual Adaptation of Macbeth to Shakespeare's Play

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Macbeth Act IV Name____________________ For all answers, include scene and line numbers. 1. What ingredients go into the witches’ stew? What is the purpose of this vile concoction? Eye of newt, etc. The witches prepare this to bring on visions for Macbeth because they know he’s coming to see them. 2. What question has Macbeth come to ask the witches and what do they tell him? Macbeth wants to know what will happen in the future. He also wants to know if Banquo’s issue (lineage) will be kings, as the original prophecy said. They tell him the demon knows his thoughts. 3. Describe the three apparitions that Macbeth sees when he visits the witches. What does each apparition tell him? (sc. 1, 70-95) First apparition- a helmeted head: “Beware Macduff! Beware the Thane of Fife!” Second- a bloody child: “Laugh to scorn the power of man; no man of woman born shall harm Macbeth.” Third- crowned child bearing a tree: “Macbeth will never vanquished be until Great Birnam Wood come up against Dunsinane Hill.” (Dusinane is where Macbeth’s castle is, surrounded by Birnam Wood) 4. At the end of scene 1, what does Macbeth vow? How is this carried out in scene 2? Macbeth vows to seize upon the castle of Macduff and “give to the edge of his sword his wife, his babes, and all unfortunate fools who trace him in his line”(2, 151-153). Macbeth also says, “The firstlings of my heart shall be the firstlings of my hand, be it thought and done” (2, 147-8). 5. Scene 3 is an “information” scene. What do we find out about Scotland, and from whom? Scotland is in ruins; it “sinks beneath the yoke” of Macbeth the Tyrant. Macduff tells this to Malcolm, urging Malcolm to take over and be king. 6. What does Malcolm “confess” and how does Macduff respond? Malcolm says he would be a terrible king, and he is lustful and greedy.

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