Psy Big 5 Assessment

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Big Five “The Big Five is currently the most accepted personality model in the scientific community. The Big Five emerged from the work of multiple independent scientists/researchers starting in the 1950s who by using different techniques which obtained similar results.” (Big 5 Global Descriptors, para. 17 & 30). The results are five distinct personality traits; Extroversion, Orderliness, Emotional Stability, Accommodation, and Inquisitiveness. The percentage results based on the big five traits for Team “B” including Tom, Alex and Tameka’s results. Tom Ford scored a 70% on Extroversion, a 66% on Orderliness, 86% for Emotional Stability, 54% Accommodation, and 58% for Inquisitiveness. Alex scored: 66% Extroversion, 58% Orderliness, 48% Emotional Stability, 48% Accommodation, and 48% Inquisitiveness. Tameka scored a 50% Extroversion, 66% Orderliness, 48% Emotional Stability, 76% Accommodation, and 54% Inquisitiveness. Alex similar in some areas of Tom, with the exception of her Emotional Stability with medium results which suggests she is between calm and anxious states. While Tom is higher in Inquisitiveness which suggests he has an intellectual, curious, imaginative but possibly is not very practical at times, while Alex’s inquisitiveness shows she is moderately intellectual, curious, and imaginative. Tameka and Alex scored the same for emotional stability. All team members were very close in scores of orderliness. However, Tameka is the only person on this team which is not an extrovert. Tom is rated as being Calm which per the Big Five Personality Assessment means; “not easily hurt, rarely if ever loses temper, keeps emotions under control, positive, not prone to envy, rarely sick, self reliant, trusting, stable, sturdy, optimistic, fits in most places, not defensive, likes change, if they were to live life over again they would
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