Use Of Animals In Psychology Experiments

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The use of animals in Psychology Experiments; 1. Describe with examples a range of experiments in Psychology which use animals, describe the purpose of the experiments and judge whether you feel they were successful. 2. Describe the way that animals were treated in the experiment and comment upon whether that treatment could be justified ethically. 1. There are numerous experiments carried out with animals. Some animals commonly used by scientist or psychologist are chimpanzee, ape, dog, pigeon, rats, cats, etc. B. F Skinner used the pigeon for an experiment and the purpose was to shape its behaviour. Skinner achieved this by controlling the environment. The pigeon was put into a cage after starving it for some time, and whenever it responded to a task it was rewarded. The task was; a small turning piece of wood with instructions on it and whenever it turns and the instruction read peck or turn and the pigeon pecks or turns, it was rewarded in the form of grains. The pigeon was trained like this for several days. The pigeon was also taught to distinguish between two words; peck and turn. This behaviour was achieved by the environment. Skinner used operant conditioning to shape the behaviour of the pigeon. I personally feel Skinner’s aim was achieved because the pigeon pecked and turned when instructions peck and turn were shown. B.F Skinner again starved a rat and placed it in a box with a lever. Whenever the lever was pressed by the rat, a small pellet of food dropped into a tray for the rat to eat. The rat soon learnt that when it pressed the lever it will receive food. In this experiment the lever pressing behaviour was reinforced by food, which again through operant conditioning the rat’s behaviour was shaped. In my opinion Skinner’s target was met because his aim or purpose was to shape the rat’s behaviour. Pavlov’s secretory activity of digestion
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