2012 Presidential Election Analysis

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Eric Kipp Professor Borquez Political Analysis 7 June 2014 2012 Presidential Election Analysis Based on Income and Race The scope of this analysis of the 2012 Presidential election is to show that race and income variables had a direct impact on the reelection of Barack Obama as the President of the United States of America. To do this, information will be gathered from the 2012 American National Election Study (ANES) via the Survey Documentation and Analysis (SDA) website to either prove or disprove my aforementioned notions. The ANES is a study that was conducted both prior to and after the 2012 Presidential election. There were 5000 voting aged respondents who were either interviewed or took part in a web survey to garner information…show more content…
Of the respondents polled, Barack Obama had an overwhelming edge with the Black and Hispanic voters. He carried 95.5% of the Black vote as well as 71% of the Hispanic vote. Mitt Romney on the other hand had a significant advantage amongst the white voters polled, where he carried 55.2% of the vote. This means that even with the 5% margin for error that Romney won the white vote outright, but that alone could not make up the deficits that he lost with the other categories of voters. There was a fourth category of “Other” that was represented in SDA, but because there were only 248 respondents polled it is very hard to get an accurate reading of these numbers. What all of this raw data pertaining to race demonstrates is that because Mitt Romney and the GOP could not strengthen their message to the minority voters especially the ever-growing Hispanic population it in an effect cost him a chance at the…show more content…
While Obama did take the $30k and under voters at a 62.7% clip Romney’s 34% the other categories gave me some interesting information. While the President did win the $30k-$59999 category, the margin was much closer than I thought it would be with Obama garnering 50% of the vote to Romney’s 47.2%. Given the margin for error in these types of stats this could almost be considered a victory for the Romney camp. The surprising numbers that I found came in the two upper income brackets where the numbers were a lot different than I anticipated. In the $60k-$99999 category, Romney held a 51.3% to 45.3% advantage over Obama. Again, with the margin for error this category was almost a dead heat and detrimental to Romney in trying to make up the advantage that Obama gained with the $30k and under voters. Even more alarming for the Romney camp is the fact the he did demonstrate any type of advantage with the voters who earned $100k and over. In fact Obama actually out performed him with this sector at 48.9% to 48.2%. Very interesting to say the least, so while I notions of the lower income voters was upheld it was the three higher income groups of voters who proved me wrong entirely. In the next section I believe that we will see how these
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