1984 and Brave New World

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Recreational activities in Oceania in 1984 include taking part in the “Two Minutes Hate” (Orwell 11). This was an event where “… every day, and a thousand times a day…” (Orwell 13) “Emanuel Goldstein, the Enemy of the People” (Orwell 11) and “… his theories were refuted, smashed, ridiculed…” (Orwell 13). In addition, there are leagues and committees such as the Youth League, the Junior Anti-Sex League, and the Sports Committee that people can join Societal norms in George Orwell’s 1984 include participation in “Hate Week” (Orwell 180). In addition, citizens of Oceania in 1984 have to wear “proper” expressions on their face at all times because “… (To look incredulous when a victory was announced, for example) was itself a punishable offense” (Orwell 62). Party members were not to have sexual relations with each other for it was an “unforgiveable crime” (Orwell 65). Sexual intercourse was not to be enjoyed, it “was to be looked upon as a slightly disgusting minor operation, like having an enema” (Orwell 65). The citizens of Oceania in 1984 strictly adhere to the societal norms in fear of punishments, severe and otherwise. The government of 1984’s is a totalitarian government. The Party controls everything in Oceania and “seeks power entirely for its own sake” (Orwell 263) and they are interested “… solely in power...pure power” (Orwell 263). The Party seems to be all-powerful, yet still seeks more power every day. This is the extent of government in 1984. The Party slogan “Freedom is Slavery” (Orwell 4), supports the idea that there is no freedom in George Orwell’s 1984. This slogan means, “Alone – free - the human being is always defeated…doomed to die…” (Orwell 264). There is no freedom even inside one’s home because “every sound you made was overheard… and every movement scrutinized” (Orwell 3). There is no freedom because the Party convinces the People that
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