Creative Development Anecdote

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Anecdote #3 (Creative Development) Name of child: Woody Age of child: 4.8 Date: 2/23/12 Time: 2pm Observer: Candace Hargett "Anytown" ChildCare Center Observation: When given the choice of area to play for free time, Woody chose the water tray in the outside play area. Woody propels through the water with a boat in his right hand. He makes the noise of an engine as he pushes it along. He lifts the boat out of the water and watches as the water runs out of it then pushes it down the chute several times using both right and left hands. Woody continous to play quietly and with concentrated effort. He pushes the boat around the edge of the tray and then towards the island in the middle. He talks quietly to himself and makes engine noises. He picks up some plastic people from the edge of the tray and puts them in the water, then splashes them. As the teacher walks by she asked Woody "Are they having a bath or a swim?" "A swim" Replyed Woody Woody picked up a plastic mermaid and skims her across the water. While pushing the mermaid through the water with his right hand, he puts
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