Atrial Fibrillation Essay

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PBL write up- The dizzy swimmer Scenario: Laura is 66 and is having treatment for an overactive thyroid. Apart from that she says she is generally in good health. She exercises regularly, goes jogging once or twice a week and swims at the local swimming pool about once a week. She goes to see her GP because of bouts of dizziness and shortness of breath. On questioning her he establishes that these occur only after jogging or swims. After her swim last week she experienced severe dizziness and palpitations which rather alarmed her. On examination her peak flow was within the normal range and no abnormal sounds were noted on chest auscultation. Her heart rate at rest was 100 b/m and her blood pressure 160/90 mmHg. She admitted that she still smokes ‘occasionally’ (although she is trying to give up), and drinks alcohol ‘rather more than she should’, varying between 20-28 units a week. The GP refers her to the heart and chest clinic at the local hospital for further tests. Here she is fitted with a 24-hour ECG Holter monitor and asked to go jogging while wearing it. The monitor gives a definite diagnosis, and Laura is sent home with medication that seems to resolve the problem. However, she is warned that if the dizziness recurs, more active intervention may be necessary in the future. Objectives: 1. Terms 2. Physiology of the heart- electrical stimulation/ conduction 3. Thyroid- basic function, hyperthyroidism and pharmacology of hyperthyroidism 4. ECG- what is it and possible diagnoses 5. Atrial fibrillation- pathophysiology, symptoms, risk factors, diagnosis, investigations, treatment, prognosis. 1.Terms Palpitations: Palpitations describes the sensation of irregular, rapid or forceful heartbeats, or even just an awareness of one’s own heartbeat. It can be due to ectopic beats, various tachycardias or AF. It is

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