"A Sequence of Songs of the Ghost Dance Religion" by James Mooney

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In A Sequence of Songs of the Ghost Dance Religion by James Mooney, there are seven short poems that express the feelings and ambitions of the Native Americans during the time of the messianic movement. The messianic movement also called the Ghost Dance was a time that Native Americans were revolting against White Americans. The Ghost Dance was a dance performed that supposedly would return Indians ways and return the land to them. The "messiah" of the Ghost Dance was Wovoka, he said that this dance would make white people disappear and resurrect Indian ancestors. The term ghost is from the belief that ancestors were going to be resurrected. The dance looked like people dancing around in a frenzy, speaking in tongues, falling to the ground, a lot of emotions, and they would talk of a different, better tomorrow. The messianic movement started in the late nineteenth century and took place in the Southwest and Great Plains. It was not a violent movement, it was a spiritual movement. Wovoka had a vision of a better day and Native Americans followed him and his visions in hope for a better tomorrow. It was thought that it was the Christians turn and that the destruction of their world would come and the rise of Native Americans would soon happen. There was said to be different cults of Indians during this time. One of those being The Peyote Cult was formed of fifteen Native American tribes that existed from 1915-1996. The collection of poems are written by Native Americans during this time. They range from sayings of praise, to anger, to humor. There is a poem that reads, Father have pity on me, I am crying for thirst, All is gone, I have nothing to eat The poem seems to be speaking of the preceding times of the Ghost Dance movement. Native Americans were attacked and the world they were used to was dramatically changed by White Americans. They had their man

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