"You'Re Missing" Analysis

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Life without You is Distant Based on the Lyrics “You’re Missing” by Bruce Springsteen A home without a loved one is empty, lonely; everything that once was never turns to be the same. It is as if the world ends for most, and for others it is as if it no longer existed. Consider the lyrics “You’re Missing" by Bruce Springsteen where he describes the loneliness and empty hole an individual may have, because someone adored and loved is missing. He implies that without that individual everything is just that and no more as well as the difficulty of life without such loved one. In this lyric one can sense the sad and lonely emotion by the tone. There is also a lot of imagery and repetition used to send a clear picture, of life without that missing individual and the difference it makes. The lyric starts off with “Shirts in the closet, shoes in the hall” (Line 1), this line pin points the image of clothes that have been untouched and shoes that have been sitting there in the hall for a while. It immediately embarks the reader’s imagination to sail. In this line the sense that something is already wrong is given. Following that line Bruce Springsteen states “Mama's in the kitchen, baby and all” (Line 2), this line evokes the idea of a mother and child in the kitchen ready to eat with “all”, implying other family members or visitors. Yet life is not complete even if everyone else is there because that ideal family is gone, it is no longer the same or will be the same ever again, this is proven by the use of words Bruce Springsteen has chosen to repeat constantly throughout the whole lyric “Everything is everything/Everything is everything/But you're missing” (Lines 3-5). This line clearly states that everything is just what it is and nothing more, with the help of tone the bitterness is sensed as well as the huge empty hole carried by the individuals’ loss.
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