Song of Voyagers

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Song of the Voyageurs In my opinion I believe that this poem is named "Song of Voyageurs" because in the past sailors and explorers would express their feelings at the moment through songs. In this particular song it expresses the feelings of an explorer who went is trapped on a land he is foreign to and is looking for a way home. I feel that this song might have been a song that Voyageurs would've sung when sailing or exploring so that they could give rhythm to their work and to pass time. As this song was sung by Voyageurs, the poet might've thought why not name the poem Song of the Voyageurs as it was sung by them. In both songs and Poems there is Rhythm, Expression, Emotion, a message and Poetic Devices. Some of the differences in Songs and Poems are that songs are usually sung when poems are not; Poetry has no background music while a song does and a poem is usually short while most songs aren't. Some examples of songs' that I consider poetry are STAIRWAY TO HEAVEN and STRAIGHT THROUGH THE HEART. The story of this poem is that it is about a group of explorers that went in search of a country, found it, but now feel that they live in harsh conditions and regret coming. I believe this because in the poem it is written "With no Rest, neither night nor day" and "Who endures as much as misery as us". From these 2 lines I inferred that the people live in harsh conditions as they aren't really able to take a break and they have to deal with many things even though they do not have the energy to. "Always worrying about the coming winter", is a line from which I inferred that the people are scared due to the fact that they now have to deal with bad weather in which they still have to work. "Never again will I come to this damned Country", from this line I was able to interpret that the people are finally leaving the country and are hoping that they never ever

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