Yellow Roadway Cop Research Paper

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Yellow Roadway Cop. Ashley Nunley HRM/531 Aug. 27, 2012 Phillip Norris Abstract In this paper, the company I chose was Yellow Roadway Corporation. I chose this company because while growing up my dad drove big 18 wheelers and this is one of the companies her worked for. I will give a brief background of the company, identify some legal issues that the company could face, what federal, state, and local laws that could be broken because of the legal issues and give some recommendations for the company to minimize possible lawsuits. Yellow Roadway Cop. In 1924, Yellow Roadway was initially founded in Oklahoma City as Yellow Cab and Transit Company, which was a bus and taxi company that catered to central Oklahoma. It remained a transit…show more content…
When joining a union, you have better pensions and health care. Union workers are more likely than their nonunion counterparts to receive health care and pension benefits, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. 89 percent of union workers in private industry participated in medical care benefits, compared with only 67 percent of nonunion workers. Union workers also are more likely to have retirement and short-term disability benefits. Unions increase productivity, according to most recent studies. The voice that union members have on the job—sharing in decision-making about promotions and work and production standards—increases productivity and improves management practices. Better training, lower turnover and longer tenure also make union workers more productive. Union members in low-wage occupations on average earn a great deal more than nonunion workers in the same occupations, often lifting their earnings rates above the official poverty level. For example, union security guards may earn $10.97 per hour, 36 percent more than nonunion workers in the same occupation. Over a year’s time, having a SPFPA union card could translate into almost $6,100 more in pay for such a low-wage worker ("Benefits Of Joining A Union", Monday August 27, 2012).Unions bargain by using Collective bargaining. This is the process of negotiations between the employers and a group of employees. Some effects that this may have on the company is if the employees do not get what they want, they may go on

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