Yeast Cells and Haemocytometer

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SITI MARDHIAH BINTI MUHAMAD FAUZI (M12B) 31ST JULY 2012 TITLE : YEAST CELLS AND HAEMOCYTOMETER Research Question: How does the different dilutions of yeast suspension affect the number of yeast cells in one cm3 of the dilutions? Hypothesis: The higher the dilution factor of the yeast suspension, the less the number of yeast cells in one primary square. This is because when dilution factor of yeast suspension increases, more water is added into the solution making the yeast cells in the yeast suspension more widely distributed, hence leading to the concentration of yeast cells in one primary square (0.1 mm3) to decrease. Variables: |VARIABLES |Range |Method to manipulate/collect | |Independent |Dilution factor of yeast suspension| |Use different dilution factors of yeast suspension which 1,| | | | |2, 3, 4, and 5 by preparing it using dilution method[1]. | |Dependent |Number of yeast cells in one | |Count the number of yeast cells in one primary square of | | |primary square, n |± 5 cells |the haemocytometer observed through microscope. | |CONTROLLED VARIABLES : |Method to control |Possible effect(s) on results | |Type of yeast suspension |Use the same type of yeast suspension prepared by|Different types of yeast suspension may have | | |the kind people in the stockroom |different concentration of yeast cells in each| | | |suspension

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