Write An Essay On Genital Herpes

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Herpes type two, or genital herpes is one of the more dangerous types of herpes. It is very common to have type one herpes, although herpes type two is a common STD among Americans. The virus that causes genital herpes is called herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV-2). Genital herpes is a sexually transmitted infection affecting the skin or mucous membranes of the genitals. Genital herpes is most commonly transmitted through skin contact usually having to do with sexual interactions. Once a person is infected the virus hides in the nerve cells of the body. This infection can be spread from person to person without visibility. First signs of the infection would be the appearance of small painful blisters with clear or straw-colored fluids. In…show more content…
Ninety percent of those people infected don’t even know that they are infected. A lot of the times herpes can be undiagnosed as joch itch, a yeast infection, ingrown hairs or other mild irritations. One in nine men who are sexually active from ages fourteen to forty-nine have genital herpes and one in five sexually active women. Among African Americans there is a ninety percent positivity rate of having a genital herpes infection and forty-eight percent of African American women are infected with the HSV-2 virus. Women are more susceptible to genital herpes than men because of the anatomy of their genital differences. Pregnant women who have an active infection while giving birth can pass the infection to the baby. Many third world countries are susceptible to this disease from being unsanitary and not having proper cleansing, most of the time diseases get passed through childbirth. It is extremely unlikely to die of genital herpes but it can affect your physical and mental health. Almost 80 percent of the U.S population has some type of herpes. Most of those people may not even know they have herpes, but it stays with you for life, and can be transmitted in many different ways of skin

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