Write a Short Story How Life Change in a Instant

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Jack lived a rather ordinary life. Nothing out of the ordinary ever happened. Each morning at 7.00 Jack would arise, brush his teeth and get dressed. After descending downstairs Jack would eat his breakfast and wait for his mother to get ready for work, after which she would drop him to school. His mother would also collect him from school when it finished and Jack would go home to do his homework until dinner, after which he would watch television until bed. Jack’s family lived similarly normal lives. His father was an accountant who would rise at half six each morning and would leave for work while Jack was having his breakfast. He returned home nightly at half six, for dinner at seven which was made by Jack’s mother. She was a secretary who only worked mornings; each day she would drop Jack to school on her way to work and pick him up when he finished, doing housework until the return of her husband and dinner. After dinner the family would watch television until it was time for bed. They lived in a four-bedroomed semi-detached house in a small suburban neighbourhood. The house was two-storeyed, red-bricked and was more narrow than wide. The neighbourhood was a quiet one, with everyone keeping to themselves; the most extraordinary event of the day was the arrival of the lollipop lady, who transported the kids across the road on their way home from school. However one day the monotony of Jack’s life was disturbed, as he descended down the stairs for his customary watching of television before bed. As he placed his foot on the first stair he heard the voices of his parents downstairs and one sentence in particular brought him to a standstill. Not willing to disturb, but also naturally curious in the way a child is, Jack settled himself on the carpeted step, where he could see the dark outlines of his parents’ backs as they sat on the sofa, where he could not

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