Working Together for the Benefit of Children and Young People

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1.4 Common barriers to integrated working and multi agency working are :- Professionals from different backgrounds using specific terms or jargon that are not familiar to or understood by other professionals. Professionals trained to work in very different ways finding it difficult to work together. Professionals from different backgrounds having differing priorities. Professionals not accustomed to sharing their expertise, views or findings and having them questioned by other professionals. Professionals not accustomed to taking the expertise, views or findings of others into consideration. Professionals having different ways of interacting with colleagues and other adults. Professionals having different ways of interacting with children and young people. Professionals having different responsibilities in terms of documentation. Professionals not responding to requests promptly and failing to respond to you. 1.5 Referrals are made between agencies when a practitioner or professional feels that a child/young person needs additional support. Each local borough will have its own multi agency referral panel. The panel will then consider the information that has been made available to them, which will include common assessment using CAF (The Common Assessment Framework) and decide what support will be offered and how this will be coordinated. 1.6 The purpose of CAF is to identify additional needs of children and young people and to ensure that additional needs of children/young people are met through multi agency working. The CAF consists of: a common process of assessment, a standard form, a pre-assessment checklist to decide whether common assessment would be useful. This is designed to offer a holistic, shared assessment of the child and their situation which reduces duplication and enables early intervention. It can be used for any child or young person with
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