Workability Of Fresh Concrete

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Introduction Since the long-term properties of hardened concrete: strength, volume stability, and durability are seriously affected by its degree of compaction, it is vital that the consistence or workability of the fresh concrete such at the concrete can be properly compacted and also that it can be properly compacted and also that it can be transported, placed, and finished sufficiently easily without segregation, which would be detrimental to such compaction. In this experiment, the workability of fresh concrete will be found out. Workability is a property of fresh concrete which determine the amount of work necessary to overcome the internal friction in order to produce full compaction. In simply word, workability represents the amount of work which had to be done to compact concrete into a given mould. The workability of concrete mix depends on many factors: the mount, fineness and its chemical composition of cement; water-cement ratio; the grading, shape and surface texture of the aggregate; and the presence or absence of entrained air or other admixtures. It is important to make frequent tests for workability when any large mass of concrete is deposited. By close checking for the maintenance of even workability it is possible not only to ensure uniform quality but also often to affect economies by the adjustment of mix proportions. In this experiment, four empirical tests were used to measure the workability of concrete. These tests are in the following: Slump test Compacting factor Vebe time test Density of fresh concrete. Mixing of concrete Introduction The objective is practice mixing of two types of concrete, OPC (Ordinary Portland Cement) and OPC + PFA (Pulverized Fuel Ash) mixes. In the mixing process, it is important to mix the components of concrete (i.e. water, cement, aggregates, fines and admixtures) to a production

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