Women Should Be Allowed In Combat Essay

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It is nonsense that the ban that prevents women from serving in combat battles has just recently been lifted. The government should be ashamed of themselves, especially after the tremendous effort women committed in the 1800's and 1900's to receive equal rights as men. Women are just as capable to succeed in combat, physically and mentally. The people who are against lifting the combat ban are sexist and blinded by their pomposity. They do not see how women serving their country will effect the battlefield in the most excellent ways. Women should be allowed to serve in combat because it benefits the country, abundantly too. Additionally, people against the lifting of the ban are given a healthy whack in the head to wake up and smell the freedom.…show more content…
Since the combat ban was lifted, the employment rate will increase because, “200,000 more jobs could now be available to women,” according to military officials. It is a double-win: the country is more protected and more people have a steady income. People not in favor of lifting the ban obviously dislike living in a gender neutral country and are recommended to move some place more male-dominant. Perhaps India, where women continue to face grossly unequal treatment, confirmed by gender experts. Why else would they not realize all the perks and advantages that come from lifting the combat ban? Out on the battlefield, in the midst of gunshots, gender is far from what soldiers are mulling in their head at the moment. During war, their attention is captivated by the targeted enemy, says James Dao and Laura Madigliani. Women are the same as men to the opposing force. They fight with men, get shot down with men, and do everything in their ability to protect America. In the enemy's perspective, it is just more people to battle, they would not lessen their troops just because women are in combat now. So why should they be regarded differently if they operate as well as
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