Women On Death Row Research Paper

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Women on Death Row In the United States of America it is common knowledge that the eighth amendment protects the rights of all Americans from the infliction of cruel and unusual punishment. Many defense attorneys’ in death penalty cases use this as the backbone to their argument against capital punishment being the courts decision. In the criminal justice system we see from its past that women are far less likely to be sentenced to death row then men. In the episode of the television series Prison Diaries, we watched in class focuses on Emilia Carr, one of just 63 women on death row in the United States. I don’t believe people realize that having the death penalty costs the tax payers four times as much as the alternative of sentencing people to life in prison. The death penalty jams up the time and energy of courts, prosecuting attorneys, defense counsel, courtrooms,…show more content…
There are many reasons I don’t believe in the death penalty. For one thing, I don’t believe it helps the survivors, who grieve. Executions in my view focus more on revenge then anything and doest even focus on healing. If anything it makes another family go through what the victim’s family went though. Why would anyone willingly want to do that to another person? Let alone a government doing it to one of its citizens. Don’t get me wrong now just because I don’t support the death penalty doesn’t mean I lack sympathy for the murder victims or their families. Believe me I do I know what it is like to lose a loved one and I don’t want anyone to have to go through that in life. But I believe murder demonstrates a lack of respect for human life. Because life is precious and death is irreversible, I believe that a policy giving the state autorotation to kill is immoral. It epitomizes the tragic inefficacy and brutality of

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