Witness Testimony Essay

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What is a Witness Testimony? on April 27th, 2009 Perhaps your NVQ Assessor or tutor has asked you to obtain a witness testimony as part of your assessment plan to gather evidence of competence for your NVQ (National Vocational Qualification). Are you wondering… * What is this all about? * Where do I get this from? * Who can I ask to write one for me? * Do I need to use some forms? Well I would like to explain this in today’s article. Firstly, who is a witness? Literally, he or she is a person who testifies at a court hearing. As a witness, the person may have seen an accident, witnessed a crime, or be asked to describe the character of someone they know. As a witness they will be asked to answer some questions regarding their knowledge of a case in court. Well in this case we are certainly not in a court of Law but in a work setting you need to locate someone who testifies in writing about you with regards to your work. Secondly, what is a testimony? This is evidence obtained from a witness who has made a statement or declaration of fact. Using the 2 definitions above you can define WITNESS TESTIMONY is an account of your work performance, which has been witnessed by another person. This clearly suggests that you can’t write one for yourself. You need someone who can testify in writing to say what they know about you, what they have seen you do or describe an activity you have carried out which should relate to your job description and also to the performance criteria of the units within your NVQ. You can get a witness testimony from: * Your manager or supervisor * Your colleague at work * The individuals you work with * Your tutors or trainers. Depending on your training centre’s policy, generally you would be required to obtain the witness testimony on a form given to you and you have to request that they sign what
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