With Reference to Examples, Evaluate the Success or Otherwise of Urban Regeneration Schemes in Combating the Causes and Consequences of Urban Decline

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With reference to examples, evaluate the success or otherwise of urban regeneration schemes in combating the causes and consequences of urban decline [40 marks]. Urban decline is one of the biggest problems that may occur in an urban area. It is when the inner city becomes run down due to a lack of maintenance and economic activity. This is often accompanied by a decline in population and also an increase in unemployment. However, this process doesn’t come alone. Urban decline very often leads to urban deprivation. This is when the area, which has previously suffered urban decline, is deprived of services and conveniences. The individuals living in the area will have poor access to resources. There are many different types and levels of deprivation; including, poor and overcrowded housing, inadequate diet, low income and lack of opportunity for employment. Urban decline is caused by a variety of different factors. One factor, which has a particular impact on urban decline, is the political decisions made in a country. Governments can favour some cities over others. This will encourage development in those favoured rather than the others. This means that eventually there will be a group of highly developed cities and a group of the complete opposite. The concentration of low-income people and new immigrants in a city can also lead to urban decay because of poverty. The residents are looking for easy access to work. However, this carries with it social issues. The high levels of poverty can increase the levels of drug use and also the level of crime. This has a high contribution to urban decay. When the crime levels go up, property prices decrease, leading to higher levels of building disrepair and eventual abandonment. However, the largest factor, which causes urban decline, is outwards

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