Winning Hearts And Minds In The War On Plagiarism Summary

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ENC1102 Chapter 2 Active Reading Exercise Readings “Winning Hearts and Minds in the War on Plagiarism” by Scott Jaschik “The Maker’s Eye: Revising Your Own Manuscripts” by Donald M. Murray “Tabula Asiae” by Michael Ondaatje Directions Answer the following questions. Submit your completed document to the appropriate submission drop box in the Blackboard Assignments folder. 1. Considering what this unit presented about nonfiction genre, identify the primary genre of each of the readings. In Winning Hearts and Minds in the War on Plagiarism” Jaschik essay was based more on reflection and personal opinions because his were on different studies by different professors on the "war on plaguarism" among students and how common plagiarizing is and the different methods used to change that. Mr. Murray begins by discusses Peter F. Drucker method of a "zero draft" and how the writer should begin counting drafts after the first draft is complete. He explains how many writers feel, that after the first draft is completed it then can be edited to say what is exactly meant. Murray explains how we need to be critical readers and when editing. He states, "[w]riters must be their own best enemy"…show more content…
In a paragraph, discuss how these three essays meet the criteria for literary nonfiction. Use specific information from the content of the unit and quotations from the readings. Literary nonfiction is a form of storytelling as old as the telling of stories. It is a form that allows a writer both to narrate facts and to search for truth, blending the empirical eye of the reporter with the moral vision. The first essay written by Jaschik meets the criteria for literary nonfiction because it discusses the huge controversy of plagiarism and how it affects literature today. Mr. Murray explains how we need to be critical readers. Ondaatje's essay is creative and uses figurative language to give us a "sense of place" and a "sense of

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