William Mcraven’s Commemerence Speech Essay

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The heart of IB, is known as the IB Learner Profile. There are ten aspirational qualities of the learner profile that motivate the work of teachers, students and schools. This exactly what William Mc. Raven did when he recited his commencement speech to the class of 2014 about Carnage and changing the world. Since the IB learner profile unites us all as a lifelong learners. It applies to us all for we are all continually learning. William McRaven made many analogies that relate to IB Learner profile and that automatically makes him a thinker. McRaven’s life learned lessons, applies to everyone because he was able to analyze the credit and the faults of things he has learned from seal training. The first thing the men learned was to make their beds orderly each day. By doing this first task, it encourages one to complete many more tasks. This idea makes humans more balanced in life. By accomplishing the smaller tasks in life, we can get move on to the larger ones. The tasks are also getting themselves done, proving you know how to reach the equilibrium of physical, emotional, and intellectual development. Also when you have a bad day, at least you can come back to a bed that is made. Which is a reminder that you are balanced. By being balanced, even if it is by making the bed each morning and completing the first task of the day, one can promote their well-being and other's well-beings to make an impact on the world. Another way McRaven’s speech makes connections in the IB Learner profile is when he discusses the way the Seals had to prep their uniforms each morning. No matter how hard they would polish their uniforms to perfection, the instructors always find something wrong with their suits. The consequences would be to roll in the sand, looking like a sugar cookie. Then the cycle would repeat all over, each day. The problem McRaven found out about the men, was

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