Wife Of Bath's Tale

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The Wife of Bath’s Tale: The Beginning of Feminism Since man’s existence, a chain of command has been a part of society, beginning with God declaring himself as all power, suggesting that all others fall below Him. This concept was exercised to fit the patriarchal flow of life in medieval times. This flow adheres to God’s chain of command, which fell from God to angel, angel to man, and from man to woman. “The Wife of Bath’s Tale”, challenges this well-known role of women and calls into question the methods that gender equality can only be achieved. Feminism, organized activity on behalf of women’s rights and interests, was a central theme in “The Wife of Bath’s Tale” roles (Merriam-Webster). In the days of King Arthur, friars commonly raped women and caused them dishonor, rejecting respect for their roles. In that particular society, knights were regarded as chivalrous, righteous, and valiant individuals. It would be out of the ordinary and of course punishable for one to rape a woman. However, this is the case in The Wife of Bath’s Tale in which a young and lusty knight rapes a woman and has to pursue the answer to the Queen’s question of what women really desire. Rape is an issue of control, rather than an issue of sexual pursuit. It is the idea that one can control another being, having them do as he or she pleases, which can ultimately lead to sexual arousal. On an isle that was formerly full of fairies and elves who acted as incubi, raping and impregnating women, the knight felt as if he had the freedom to pursue women in the same manner now that they were gone. On a walk, he came across a beautiful maiden and against her will, raped her. Upon knowledge of what had occurred, King Arthur condemned the knight to decapitation for his crime, which was extremely frowned down upon especially for someone of his status. Fortunately for the
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