Why Was Mary Queen of Scots Executed?

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Why was Mary Queen Of Scots executed? Mary, Queen of Scots was executed for many different reasons and in this essay I am going to explain some of the reasons as to why she was executed in 1587. Mary Queen of Scots was a Catholic, and her close relations to the very powerful French court strengthened their powers against England. Elizabeth's first policy towards Scotland was to oppose the French presence there. She feared that the French planned to invade England and put Mary, Queen of Scots, who was in effect the heir to the English crown, on the throne. Elizabeth offended Mary by proposing her own former suitor, Robert Dudley, as a husband. Instead, in 1565 Mary married Henry Stuart, Lord Darnley, and gave birth to a son, James. In 1567, her husband died in a suspicious accident and Mary quickly married the Scottish Earl of Bothwell an action that outraged the Scottish nobility who promptly imprisoned Mary and forced her to abdicate her throne to her one-year-old son, James. The following year Mary escaped from her prison but was forced to flee across the border with England after the defeat of her supporters at the Battle of Langside. Instead of the refuge she anticipated, Mary was immediately imprisoned by Queen Elizabeth and spent the next 19 years moving from castle to castle while her cousin decided what to do with her. At first, Elizabeth resisted calls for Mary's death. There were a number of intrigues aimed at deposing Elizabeth and replacing her with Mary, and restoring Catholicism to Britain. As a prisoner in England, Mary found herself the focal point of several Catholic plots to free her. Most of the plots involved murdering Elizabeth and placing Mary, on the throne. Wisely, Mary did not become involved in these plots but as the years passed, Mary realised that she might never be released. In 1586 The Babington Plot was the event of
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