Why Might People React Differently to the Same Media Text

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Ideology Essay The way an individual interprets a given text is based on their ideology. Ideology is the combination of opinions and beliefs which determine how they react to everything around them. There are many different contributing factors which make up these beliefs and opinions, such as Gender, ethnicity, age and issues or events which have shaped the individual. Examples of Ideologies can be found most clearly within politics within the different parties, which all hold different views and opinions, such as; Classical liberalism, which is a capitalistic ideology which stands for a limited government with political freedom and civil liberty. Social or modern liberalism is liberalism which focuses on social and economic issues while ensuring individual freedom, and Naziism, which is a form of socialism featuring racism, Expansionism and obedience to a strong leader. Examples of cultural and social Ideologies are Equality of opportunity, which is an ideology that wishes to eliminate discrimination that is based on age, gender, color, race, national origin, religion, and disabilities that include physical and mental disabilities. Work ethic is a set of beliefs that focus on the moral virtue of work and they way work can lead to a stronger character. The aim of this piece is to explain how and why these factors may change the way an individual reacts to a given media text. The media text that will be used is the ‘spooks’ scene from Grand Torino. In this scene Walt is seen watching Sue and her friend walk down the street, they encounter a group of black youths who aggress on them, Sue retaliates, worsening the situation. Walt intervenes, helping Sue out of the situation by intimidating the gang. This example is good for analysing the way different people respond as it demonstrates several social and cultural issues, which are heavily affected by an

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