Why Is Quality More Difficult To Manage In Service

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Why a Quality Management System in Service Industries? Everyone tends to resist change, but companies that delay in establishing a quality management system will find they increasingly become less competitive and less effective in markets where customers demand trouble-free products and services. By Kunal Bhalla In every organization, both management and the general workforce tend to resist change, whether it be in systems, culture or environment. That is natural – people are usually happy to continue with what they have always done. The change brought about by the introduction of a quality management system (QMS) – particularly in service industries – is no exception. However, companies that resist this change will find that they become less effective, and thus less competitive, in markets where customers demand trouble-free products and services. To address the resistance, it helps to look at the questions that stakeholders may have about QMS in their company: “Why do we need to document a process?” “Why do we need an organization chart?” “Why do we need version control and document control?” “Do we need QMS if we only have 100 or less employees?” “Does QMS provide any internal efficiency or is it only to provide a competitive advantage?” These are the questions that all stakeholders need answered before embarking on the journey of installing a quality management system in their company. In addition, there are other questions mainly for the management of the company. Here are two important ones: Does leadership want a quality management system for some type of certification, or does it really want the company’s work to have a systematic process-oriented approach? Does leadership understand how the current “pain” areas can be minimized or eliminated if the company has more efficient processes? A System for Developing or Improving Processes

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