Why Is Nurse Advocacy Important

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Nurse Advocacy Steele (AnnMarie) Public Policy and Issues in Health Care Abstract In the ever changing world of healthcare, it is of upmost importance nurses today become involved in the policy process at the legislative level. To protect the profession of nursing, the rights of the patient, and to provide quality care at the bedside we must have our voices heard. The problem with this, more often than not, is nurses are not prepared to speak out in such a public venue, nor are they versed in the legislative process. The Missouri Nurses Association provided a day of learning titled Nurse Advocacy Day, in which the focus was to provide a basic knowledge to several hundred nurses who attended, the who, what, why, and how nurses should…show more content…
They are allowed to assess, diagnose, and treat as they are trained to do, within their scope, without restrictive restraints placed upon them. In Missouri this is not the case. There is, at present, a collaborative agreement clause that states an APN must have a physician who is in part responsible for the practice in that he/she enters into a contract with the APN that delegates the authority to administer, dispense, or prescribe controlled substances listed in Schedules III, IV, and V of section 195.017 within his/.her scope of practice in the absence of the physician. The physician must review ten percent of the APN patient charts every fourteen days documenting delivery of healthcare. The physician must review at least twenty percent of all charts, every fourteen days, of those patients in which a controlled substance is prescribed (this may include the total ten percent as well). The APN must practice within a fifty mile radius of the collaborative physician. This restriction keeps APN’s from practicing in the rural areas that are in the greatest need for primary care providers.…show more content…
It impressed upon me to research other states regulations and restrictions and questions to mind such as why is each state so different. If we are all expected to live up to the same standards professionally then why are we not treated equally in all the states in the Union? A part of the current Healthcare reform should include the role of the APRN as well as how much restriction each state can place on the practice. Bravo to organizations such as MONA and the ANA who spend time and energy to stand in the gap for nurses daily. A wonderful

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