Why High Schools Need Dress Codes

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High schools should adopt dress codes for students because it would make student’s focus more on assignments which will improve the learning environment in school, also having a dress code would make it easier to distinguish students from other school’s students, having a dress code would also mean less bullying since people wouldn’t get judged based on what they are wearing. High schools should adopt dress codes for students because it would make student’s focus more on assignments which would improve the learning environment in school. Students instead of focusing on assignments could be talking about where they bought them and how great the place they bought their clothes at is. If the schools had a dress code everyone would be wearing the same clothes or at least very similar looking clothes which would discourage students to not talk about their clothes when they are supposed to be doing work. That is why high schools should adopt a dress code for students. Furthermore, adopting a dress code at school is a good idea because it would make it easier for a teacher to distinguish a student that goes to that school from a student that goes to a different school. For example, the school goes on a field trip and the group that the students are supposed to be in gets accidentally divided. If the school did not have a dress code it would make it much harder to tell the difference between the student from that school and a student from a different school or even just a teenager that went to the same place as the field trip. The dress code would make it much easier for the person in charge of the students to be able to tell them apart from other people or students. That is the reason why adopting a dress code at school is a good idea. Lastly, having a dress code would mean less bullying since people wouldn’t get judged based on what they are wearing. For example, a

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