Persuasive Essay- School Uniforms

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A lot of schools have either adopted or abandoned the uniform policy. Britain, for example, schools have to wear uniforms to distinctively identify them with a particular school. On the other hand, the United States, it is rare for uniforms to be seen on kids in schools. This controversy of school uniforms still remains among students, parents and teachers. Many schools are adopting the policy of uniforms in public schools “in an effort to improve overall school performance and to reduce negative behavior” (Asaff). Four specific advantages that would come out of wearing uniforms are reduced behavioral problems, reduced costs of clothing students, increased academic performance, and increased social harmony. These four advantages make many schools adopt the uniform policy. Theorists believe “that uniforms dictate a stricter atmosphere and that students who wear uniforms are more likely to follow school rules” (Asaff). Students who wear uniforms are more likely to not get in trouble in school. They would pay more attention and listen to the teachers. Moreover, “the U.S. Department of Education maintains that mandatory use of standardized dress reduces violence within the school” (Asaff). A second advantage of school uniforms is the cost of clothing. With a uniform policy, there would be no pressure to buy expensive, “in” clothing. Uniforms are more affordable to families. After the first time of buying uniforms, they can be washed frequently. There is no need in buying extravagant clothing because the “popular kids” are wearing it. Another advantage is academic performance. A study was done in 1998 by Notre Dame to study the correlation between uniforms and academic performance. The outcome showed a slight elevation in student performance among students who wear uniforms. Many students do not do well in school because they are distracted based on what they

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