Why Did Australia Become An Independent Nation Essay

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In my opinion, I believe that Australia did develop into an independent nation in the world during 1900-1945. Through the likes of federal policies in 1900-1914, WW1, 1920-1930’s and WW2 Australia increasingly became a more independent country. At the start of Australia’s birth; the federal government had placed many laws that would separate Australia from the world in terms of how they treated the working class. We placed many laws like the eight-hour day and basic wage. These laws protected the working class and we were the leaders throughout the world to place these laws in place. Australia also became independent in the world after becoming the second (after New Zealand) nation to allow women the vote in 1902. This made us the forefront of the world in supporting females. Although World War One did mean that we came closer to Britain through alliances and hence further away from developing an independent nation, we grew a sense of “Australianness” coming out of the war. The ANZAC legend that came out of World War One separated us from other military nations as the legend…show more content…
Sir Winston Churchill wanted our Second AIF members to stay in the European war which Australians were nervous about because the Japanese were seemingly getting closer and closer to Australia. Churchill stated that as long as Singapore remained in British hands, plenty of protection will be there for a Japanese attack. The Australian PM sticked to his wishes, but as soon as Singapore fell; the Australian prime Minister brought the AIF back to the Pacific War. When the returning soldiers were on their way back to Australia, Churchill wanted them to quickly stop by and defend Burma. The Australian Prime Minister said no and this was officially the first time Australia had ever said no to England. Instead of England, we changed our foreign policy and looked to America for support in the Pacific War

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