What Are The Advantages Of Uniting Australia

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During the 1850’s, the idea of uniting all of Australia’s colonies to form a single nation was conceived. However, the idea lacked popularity and was then abandoned. At the time, colonies were more concerned with putting the interests of their own people first, although technologies to ensure communication between colonies had not been developed. It was not until the 1880’s that people began to give consideration to the many advantages that uniting the colonies under a federal government would have, this would make uniform laws. The main reasons for Australia federating were Defence, Immigration, Transport and trade and Taxes. After the British passed legislation on 1st January 1901, Australia became a federated country. This meant that it was established as a constitutional monarch because they were both established with a written constitution and controlled by the head of State, the Queen. The Constitution was important in this process because it sets out the basic rules that must be followed for the system of government Australia had. The only way it can be changed in anyway, is through a referendum. The first reason for Australia federating is…show more content…
Despite the fact that several of the colonies had already created and implemented laws that restricted immigrants from certain countries, they were still eager to strengthen their policies by uniting and creating laws that assisted all colonies. At the time, there were particular prejudices against Chinese and Pacific Islanders. Since the Chinese immigrated in such large numbers during the ‘Gold Rush’ period, Pacific Islanders were also brought to work in the sugarcane fields. Many people believed that the ‘foreigners’ were taking their jobs away and their wages and working conditions were lowering since they accepted substandard

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