Why Boys Dont Cry

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Why Boys Don’t Play with Dolls Thesis Instead of looking at kids to “prove” that differences in behavior by sex are innate, we can look at the ways we raise kids as an index to how unfinished the feminist revolution really is, and how tentatively it is embraced even by adults who fully expect their daughters to enter previously male dominated professions and their sons to change diapers. Main Points Even the most attractive, I’m willing to bet, had to suffered over her body’s failure to fit the impossible American ideal. Women’s looks matter terribly in this society and so Barbie, however ambivalently must be passed along. Could it be that even sports- resistant moms see athletics as part of manliness? That if their sons wanted to spend the weekend writing up their diaries, or reading or baking, they’d find it disturbing? Too anti-social? Too gay? A girl with a doll and a boy with a truck. That’s why, if you look carefully, you’ll find that for every kid who fits a stereotype, there’s, another who’s breaking one down. Summarization of Conclusion When babies are born whether female or male, parents emphasize on the color of the clothing they should wear, what traits their babies portray or whether they may even take after mommy or daddy. This is continuous chains that are already in the works for them without them even knowing it. Kids need to be kids and parents need to let them grow and let them be the person they are meant to be. Yes, kids while growing up need a form of discipline and should learn what is right and wrong. But when it comes down to what types of toys they should play with or girls should be skinny and flawless just like Barbie. That is too much pressure for kids that are growing up and learning who they really are. Every day in society know matter how much the world changes there are standards that is believed everyone must go by
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