Why Baby Dumping Is Happening?

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Why baby dumping is happening? Before I begin, let us ponder upon this stuttering fact.” Baby-dumping is a highlighted issue in Malaysia, where between 2005 and 2011, 517 babies were dumped.” In these globalization and modernization age where our country, Malaysia, has been undergoing rapid development over the years in terms of economic, social and political. We Malaysians, have all the rights to have pride instill in our hearts for what we have achieved after independence but, despite all these excellences the society we live in has been taunted by a social pandemic that has been thriving in the shadow of our community, namely we discuss about the abandonment or dumping of babies. The question that runs through all vivid observers of this issue is, what is fueling this issue because there can’t be smoke if there is no fire. Judging on the background of the cases and the scenario of the incidence, it is very much evident that the lack of religious upbringing is the pivot for baby abandonment to occur. Teenagers and young adults are the biggest contributors to this pandemic . Lack of religious upbringing causes these young adults to lose direction in life and result into negative behavior like free association. This issue creeps in when the girl in the relationship gets pregnant. The young mothers-to-be would concede into leaving the newborns. Furthermore, peer pressure also leads to this issue. Young minds are easily influenced by their surrounding and this can be very dangerous as they can’t differentiate the bad from good very well at this stage. Youths who end up mingling and spending time with peer who are spoilt in the sense that they associate themselves with negative behaviours like free association might follow their traits and succumb into doing the same thing. This worsens when the girl gets pregnant and in most cases she will discard the

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