Why Are We Losing All Our Good People?

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Why Are We Losing All Our Good People? The case begins with the resignation of Tom Forsythe, an assistant director of commercial design for Sambian Partners, an architectural firm. Mary Donillo, the head of human resources is quite opposed to Tom's decision. Mary tries to reason with Tom, asking him to stay, offering almost anything she can give him. Tom refuses, stating that their rival firm J&N gave him, "an offer [he] could not refuse." Dejected and confused Mary accepts his resignation, and ponders on what can be done about the ever-increasing turnover at Sambian Partners. Jean Martin, executive director of the Corporate Leadership Council, is the professional opinion of this article. Her advice is that the issue does not fall on "what" Mary is asking; it is "How" she asks it. In situations such as these, large groups of migrating workers can be very harmful, and more often to not managers are to blame. Not because they are doing a bad job. No, it is because they failed to foresee this issue. As a manager, it is important that you conduct "audits" to make sure that your employees are happy. This is known as a "culture audit." Mary's shotgun approach seems extremely ineffective to Jean. Additionally, Jean feels the corporate culture should be clearly defined, and then employees analyzed to see how far they feel they are separated from these definitions. In the end, making sure that Sambian actively support a mission and culture to which employees feel committed, Helen can see to it that her high performers--and her company--survive and thrive. Personally, I agree most with Jean on this issue. In the end, though it is important to keep people from leaving on their way out 9 times out of 10 it is quite simply too late. In situations such as these, a pre-emptive strike is necessary. Take out any aggressions early on before they fester

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