Why Abortions Should Be Made Illegal

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Why Abortions Should Be Made Illegal. Abortions are the worst thing a woman can do against dignity. It is a crime against life. No woman has should have the right to kill a new living being nor should they want to. Abortions are immoral and should not be legalized. Abortions are a threat to the mother’s health. There are many complications of getting an abortion. The mother can suffer from an infection or internal bleeding can occur. The mother could also become permanently sterile and may never be able to bear a child. Abortions not only kill the baby, they can the mother too. During an abortion, despite the use of anesthesia, 97% of the women report severe pain, and more powerful drugs are used she could suffer dangerous side effects that could be fatal. Some other complications after abortions are inflammation of the reproductive organs. As well, there is strong evidence that abortion increases the risk of breast cancer. Women that abort increase their chances of getting breast cancer by 50%, and teenagers with no previous pregnancies that abort after the 8th week increase their probability by 800%. UNICEF states that 2500,000 women die every year because of legal and illegal abortions 75,000 of them die of self-inflicted abortions; 75,000 die of convulsions; and the other 100,000 die of blood poisoning caused by an infection of the uterus. Therefore, if abortion is legalized there will be not only more fetal murders but also more mothers will die. None of the methods doctors use for abortions is safe. This story is about a woman who died because she had an abortion. Mary Pena, a 43 year-old mother of five, died after she underwent a second-trimester abortion at San Vicente Hospital in Los Angeles in December, 1984. When Mary started to bleed severely from the abortion, the surgeon decided to perform a hysterectomy on her. While in recovery from the operations,

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