Who’s to Blame Im, Text Messaging or Spell Check?

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High School and College Students have become addicted to a horrible drug. This drug has become an epidemic so much, teachers at all grade levels are aware and they are attempting to intervene. Students are unable to use proper grammar since they have become dependent on technology. The websites that assist students with spelling and grammar checks have become their enablers. Who’s to Blame IM, Text Messaging or Spell Check? Reading emails on a daily basis is part of my day. On numerous occasions I have read an email and pushed my chair back from the desk in awe. I often wonder where and when the sender was born and raised or even if the graduated high school. One thing I have learned from my experiences is, even in a profession such as the military using incorrect grammar can determine success or failure. The article “99.9% of Proper Grammar is Obsolete” published by David Wertheimer, he states that 99% of the grammar individuals type is obsolete. The ironic part is those users do not know that their grammar is obsolete. Proper grammar can be learned but the user must understand the importance of using proper grammar. Grammar errors may seem small and unimportant but when the same error continues to occur it can become an issue or even embarrassing. People that are able to use, subject-verb agreement, and full-length words on a regular basis intimidate some individuals. On occasions individuals that are able to use proper grammar are labeled as being preppy or nerdy. It seems as if it is a lot easier for a person to type, text, or speak gibberish instead of attempting to do those same tasks using correct English. There is a reluctance amongst educators to admit or ask the inevitable question; has technology made people lazy or just ignorant? The author of 99.9% of Grammar is Obsolete David Wertheimer states in a sarcastic way; “Obviously,

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