When The Saints Go Marching Play Analysis

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* | Lesson 5: When The Saints Go Marching In in C, F, & G"When The Saints Go Marching In" is another simple tune which makes a good note-learning exercise on the piano, also helping you develop your familiarity with the finger numbers. Learn and memorize it in C, F, and G, hands separately and hands together. By learning it in different keys and playing both hands, you are developing some of the most basic piano, fingering, and keyboard awareness skills. Instructions for learning a piece on the piano:-play each line with right hand (fingerings written above note names) until it is easy and/or memorized. -play each line with left hand (fingerings written below note names) until it is easy and/or memorized.-play each line with both hands until it is easy and/or memorized.-string the lines together until you can play the whole piece. Keep it slow until you are comfortable and familiar with it. Then, start playing it faster, working up to an appropriate tempo for that piece.-Regardless of tempo, relax your arms & shoulders and keep it smooth and flowing.VideoTo see a video demonstration, click here:"...The Saints..." videoMusic…show more content…
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