What Work Did Slaves Do.....???

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What work did slaves do.....??? How would you like to work 18 long and painful hours from about 6:00 a.m. to midnight? This is what most slaves had to do. In fact, by the time a slave got back to the slave quarters (where they ate and slept), it was about 2:00 a.m.! That meant three hours of sleep, if they fell asleep. Some slaves slept in a one-room shack that has no furniture or beds. Ten to twelve people would crowd in the small room with no plumbing or electricity. In those 18 hours, most slaves worked on cotton plantations. Kids would pull weeds, feed chickens, scare crows away from the cornfields, keep hawks from stealing young chickens, pick insects off the crops, or carry water to other workers. When the child was an adult, he or she would either clear new land, plant, or harvest. Slaves who worked in the fields were called, " Field Hands". Field Hands worked longer then any other kind of slave. They usually worked from sunrise to sunset. Slaves who worked in their owner’s house were called, "House Slaves". House Slaves usually live in their owners house and worked few hours. They also had the right to do things the Field Hands could not do. Other slaves were skilled doing carpeting, cabinetmakers, bricklayers, and more. Some slaves worked in factories. Other slaves became construction workers working on the canals or railroads or worked as dockworkers, lumberjacks, office workers, or riverboat pilots. Some worked in the mines. One plant they harvested was called hemp. At the end of the summer, the hemp stocks would be ten to twelve feet tall. When the stocks were that tall, slaves would cut the tall stocks down with thick knives and peel off the green leaves. Then they would hang the stocks by the root until the outer layer rotted. Then they would take the insides out and make rope or twine (string). When it came time for planting, the owners had no

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