What Was the Main Reason Why Labour Won the General Election in 1945?

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labour 1945.doc (30.3 KB) What was the main reason why Labour won the General Election in 1945? Between 1940 and 1945, Winston Churchill was presumably the most popular British prime minister of all time. He led Britain to a substantial victory over the Nazis with his refusal to surrender to Nazi Germany inspiring the Brits. Nonetheless, the popularity of Churchill and the Conservative Party began to depreciate as in July 1945, the Labour Party won the general election shocking the nation, including Clement Attlee and the rest of the Labour Party themselves. Numerous reasons induced this popular change including being that the Conservatives had adopted some unpopular policies in the 1930s in addition to their weak election campaign. However, the most significant reason was that the Labour Party caught the mood of the country as they encouraged ideas of a new world order and to increase the quality of life for the country after World War II. At this current time, proceeding with this idea was the most important need for Britain thus new found popularity for the Labour Party. During the 1930s, Britain suffered hugely from The Depression and the outcome was the high unemployment rates and overall great suffering that people all over the country experienced. Although some parts of the country, and some industries, fared better than others including some areas in the Home Counties while communities in the South West Wales experienced mass unemployment and poverty. Figures show that in 1932, 35% of coal miners, 48% of steel workers and 67% of ship workers were unemployed. As well as this, 52% of children were living below the poverty line. As a result, the conservative Party was seen to be associated with this problem. The 1930s was also seen as a problematic decade as there were major social problems which the Conservative Party were again linked to. Slum housing
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