What Samurai Virtues Does Kusunoki Demonstrate?

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------------------------------------------------- HIST. 1013, World Civilization to 1660 Essay 4 Topic: What samurai virtues does Kusunoki demonstrate? What virtues do his enemies show, and how do they reveal themselves to be less-worthy warriors? Based on this chronicle, describe the ideals and the realities of 14th-century Japanese feudal warfare. ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- Taiheiki, or The Chronicle of the Grand Pacification, is one of the great works of Japanese historical literature. Composed by Buddhist monks soon after 1333 C.E., it recorded a recent war between the Emperor…show more content…
. . . But the true man of courage ‘is cautious in the face of difficulties, and deliberate before acting.’ I will flee this castle for a time, causing the enemy to believe that I have taken my life, so that they may go away rejoicing. When they are gone I will come forward to fight; and if they return I will go deep into the mountains. When I have harrassed the eastern hosts four or five times in this manner, will they not grow weary? This is a plan for destroying the enemy in safety. What are your views?” All agreed, “It ought to be so.” Then quickly within the castle they dug a mighty hole seven feet deep, filling it with 30 bodies of the slain (who were fallen down dead into the ditch in great numbers), and piled up charcoal and firewood on them. Then they awaited a night of pouring rain and driving wind. Perhaps because Kusunoki had found favor in the sight of Heaven, suddenly a harsh wind came raising the sand, accompanied by a rain violent enough to pierce bamboo. That night was exceedingly dark, and all the enemy in their camps were sheltered behind curtains. This indeed was the awaited night! Leaving a man in the castle to light a blaze when they had fled away safely 600 yards, the defenders cast off their armor, assumed the disguise of the enemy, and slipped away calmly by threes and fives, passing in front of enemy battle-offices and beside the enemy’s sleeping

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