What Part Does Competition Play in People’s Daily Lives?

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"That girl is so much prettier than you... You are so fat compared to everybody else... You will never be good enough!" Does this sound familiar to you? If it does not, you obviously have not been in the mind of a typical teenage girl. Well, this is where I come in. I, an ordinary fifteen year old girl, will be reporting on behalf on all teenage girls out there, the part competition plays in our daily lives. In these next few paragraphs, you will get to live the lives we lead every day. The most basic competition that most girls will be entered into is: The Slim Race. In this race, girls will compete to see who has the slimmest arms, the smallest waist and the largest thigh gaps. Girls who exceed the slim-o-meter range will immediately be disqualified and considered fat. There comes a point in every teenage girl’s life when her fragile self-esteem is dropped -- no, hurled -- from a twenty-six story building and smashed on the unyielding cement below. Oftenly, girls have a low self-esteem due to the hatred of her own body. This is when her weight and waist size suddenly becomes the thing that defines her worth and beauty. Sure, this is greatly publicized in many movies. However, going through it in real life is a totally different story. Many girls today are pressured to be slimmer due to social media. These include actresses in size 0 dresses, slim cover girls on magazines and the skinny models that strut the runway ever so often. They start to compare their unique shapes with these unrealistic images of what they think is the perfect size. It then becomes a competition to most girls to see who can become the one with the best figure. This results in many of them going to desperate measures just to lose weight. Did you know that over one-half of teenage girls use unhealthy weight control behaviors such as skipping meals, fasting, smoking cigarettes,

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