What Makes Indiana Jones Were Real

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Ryan Erikson Biography, James Michener James Michener What makes Indiana Jones such an amazing character? Why is there a series of movies about him? What makes him as a history professor or a historian such an exciting character to watch and examine? Because he lives the history! Yes, I know that Indiana Jones is a fictional character. But what if Indiana Jones were real? Would millions read the books that he would write? Would he travel the world and share his experiences? Wouldn’t he teach others about what he had accomplished? I believe that he would, and I believe that he has. There are a lot of historians that have come and gone through out our written history. The Indiana Jones ‘character’ that I am writing about is one of those special historians that stands out. These stand out characteristics include: over 50 published books, winning the Pulitzer Prize by the age of 41, donating over…show more content…
He enrolled at Swarthmore College and graduated with high honors. He then left for Scotland to attend school at St. Andrews. After several different stops in his educating career, he ended up at Harvard University as an assistant to a professor, where he found himself editing history books for the University. The year was 1939 and World War II was just beginning. America had not yet stepped into the war, but the population knew that America’s involvement was inevitable. Michener had to leave his responsibilities at Harvard and enter into the Navy. He was later shipped out to the South Pacific, where he was involved in numerous missions. What I find humorous is that Michener was placed in these missions only because the base commanders thought that James Michener was the son of Admiral Marc Mitscher. It was during this time of his life that Michener decided to begin writing history for the world to

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