Unit 9 Research Paper

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Unit 9 Project: Science and Society Louie Gill Kaplan University SC 250 The world of science is the evolution of all things good and bad. Where would the world be without the scientists? As a kid growing up, I always envisioned myself as to inventing something spectacular that would make me famous and rich. Why is it when the word “scientist” comes up the first thing that comes to mind is endless possibilities that intrigue our inner being as humans. We always look toward science and science fiction as an unknown universe waiting to be explored. I hope I can encourage you, through this essay, to see that all things through science fiction leads to the birth of new real world science issues and inventions and that modern science is…show more content…
One characteristic is the vision of exploration. They take a problem and explore it and develop tests and theories to incorporate a solution to the problem. Another characteristic, I envision, is they are inquisitive and creative. They ask the questions: who, what, when, where, why and how in order to create a scenario where they can be creative and journey into uncharted territory of science and the unknown, especially in astronomy and physics. Lastly, they are very analytical. They observe the problem, disect it and analyze the problem to calculate the solution. My image of science and scientist has changed over the years due to the advancement of technology and medicine. For over fifty years, governments have funded research and development (R&D) because of the impact (or outcome) it has – or we think it has – on society ( (Godin, 1998). Research and development will always be the backbone of scientific research. Since the early 1980s science has evolved in a way that is untouched by any other advancement in the modern world. We have been witness to the creation of computers, smartphones, advanced cars, television and in the medical field the cures and treatments of many diseases. New medicines have evolved to create a better lifestyle to live by and surgical procedures that once were just dreams of the delusional. All of these new procedures and inventions…show more content…
We need more good scientists in the movies like Dr. Emmitt Brown in the movie trilogy, Back to the Future. Then there is Quantum Leap, I use to love watching this show. I would love to teleport into somebody else’s body to help them get out of bad situations and to rewrite history. Then there is MacGyver, always coming up with the impossible. He was the man in the 1980s. I see the media portraying science as a positive impact on society that allows people to open their minds to the impossible. "Set phasers to stun" -- another oft-heard command given to the Enterprise crew. The crew often relied on the stun setting of their fictitious weapon of choice known as a phaser. Armed with a phaser, Kirk and his colleagues had the ability to kill or more desirably, stun their adversaries and render them incapacitated” (Briggs, 2009). Just like the article depicts, who would have every thought that a gun filled with electricity could ever be invented. “In the 1960s, a New-Wave movement in science fiction promoted avant-garde literary experimentation, criticism of technology, and an interest in the social rather than in the physical sciences” (Bainbridge, 1982). This article displays how humans feel toward the advancement of technology and their attitudes towards the concept of machines replacing humans in the working
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