What Is The Theme Of Anger In One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest

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Ken Kesey One Flew Over The Cookoo’s Nest Essay Dane Klenk 10/20/11 Honors English Sparks Dane Klenk 1st page In Ken Kesey’s award winning novel “One Flew over the cuckoo’s nest”, he shows his anger for the lack of rights our government has given our society. He was angry at how our government had blatantly disregarded our right to freedom of speech, right to vote, and unlawful to discrimination with regard to race, religion and sexual preference. In essence, Ken Kesey tried to move society to stand up for equal rights. Ken Kesey expresses his anger through a mental institution, where Nurse Ratchet controls the patients like mindless puppets. He creates a symbolic world where Nurse Ratchet disregards the rights of her patients, subjects them to undeserved punishments, and controls every aspect of their day-to-day lives, and exacts her revenge on the would-be hero McMurphy. Ken Kesey shows his distaste for the system by creating McMurphy, a voice that the patients can follow as a leader that stands up for their cause. This is what Ken Kesey wanted for our society, and that is why McMurphy was created to destroy the systems foundation so that the society could reconstruct it. McMurphy symbolizes much more than just fixing a broken system. He symbolizes standing up for freedom and the rights that…show more content…
Whenever a patient was accused of something, the patient always ended up looking guilty even if they were not guilty in the first place. Kesey observed this in our government when the civil rights sit in participants were jailed after being attacked. This is the exact thing that happened in the book but in a slightly different way. In the mental institution the patients were brought into conference with Nurse Ratchet to explain what happened during a curtain situation. Although a patient could be innocent, Nurse Ratchet asked particular questions to make them look guilty
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