What Is Success

644 Words3 Pages
Composition 2
Instructor: Tzaritzyna Marina
Student: Klabukova Maria
Definition essay

What is Success On the last week I asked some of my friends what is success for them and no one of them gave me the clear and fast answer. As a rule, the first their reaction was confusion, than they started smiling and telling me something like: “Hmm… success is recognition… financial stability…career”. Most of us can’t give the complete definition of success, but it is interesting that we often associate success with money and power. Are financial stability and consequence the major components of success or on? What is success? I strongly believe that real success is the achieved goal of self-improvement, presents of close and loved people, understanding of impotence and therefore efficiency of one’s existence, and feeling of happiness for doing favorite work. But now a lot of people associate success with occurrence of money because mainstream marketing and media have effectively brainwashed our society into accepting a false, even potentially dangerous definition of success. Marketers want us to believe that having lots of money, living in a big house, and owning all of the latest cars, fashions, and technology is the key to happiness, and hence, success. The most terrible case of using concept of success I ever saw was in the network marketing. As you know this kind of organizations sell their products not in shops but by using people (couriers) who are at the same time their consumers. And the rule is simple – more people you will persuade to pay for entering to this organization – more profit you will have. So ones I was invited on the meeting of such organization, and all I have heard there was about have it would be wonderful if I would enter their organization
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