What Is Hypnosis? Describe the Psychological and Physical Aspects of Hypnosis and Discuss the Role of Relaxation in Hypnotherapy.

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Word count: 2,120 What is hypnosis? Describe the psychological and physical aspects of hypnosis and discuss the role of relaxation in Hypnotherapy In this essay I will discuss what hypnosis means and give a brief account of the history surrounding the origins of hypnosis. The second part of the essay will include how hypnosis affects the body, psychologically and physically. Finally I will discuss the importance of relaxation in Hypnotherapy and conclude with how Hypnotherapy has uses today. Hypnosis, meaning and historical roots Hypnosis is a therapy misunderstood by most people. “It has long been associated with the strange and mysterious, with side shows and faith healers.” (Hadley & Staudacher, 1996) Many people still associate hypnosis with stage performers and watch what seem to be perfectly normal people behaving in a way they have no control of. They do not see the myriad of uses hypnotherapy can have in many situations and how it helps people to overcome so many of their problems mentally and physically. “In fact the impression most people have of hypnotism is that it is something wacky…hypnosis has a great deal to offer especially in therapeutic contexts and that its value should be more widely recognized.” (Waterfield, 2004). The term hypnosis comes from the Greek word ’Hypnos’ meaning ‘sleep’ as defined by James Braid (1795-1860).In fact you are anything but asleep, as being in a hypnotic state is a natural state most people will find themselves in at one time or another. Have you not found yourself daydreaming many a time, or been on a long car journey where you cannot remember most of it, or nearly missed your turning because your thoughts were elsewhere. “Everything you have learned is stored in your subconscious.” (Hadley & Staudacher, 1996). Your conscious mind takes over when you need to become more active and focused. You do not
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