What Is Distracting Driving?

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Americans are drawn to cell phones for many reasons, starting with the benefits of endless connection to friends and family. In the era of smart phones, instant and universal access to information, news, and games on these devices also draws users into a deeper engagement with their mobile devices. Cell phones are so popular now; that the number of adults who own mobile phones has often outpaced the percentage of adults who are online. In a survey new, it was found that 82% of American adults (ages 18 and older) now own cell phones, up from 65% when we took our first reading in late 2004. Some 60% of adults now send or receive text messages with their cell phones. Many of these cell owners take advantage of the technology by performing all kinds of tasks in all kinds of places, including in the car and while they are walking. At times, their cell use is distracting and…show more content…
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