What Is Alzheimer's Disease?

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Nutrition Alzheimer's Disease What is Alzheimer's disease? It is a state of severe mental deterioration marked by impaired memory and intellect, as well as by altered personality and behavior. It is a common cause of dementia in the older person and affects men and women in equal numbers. The change in the brain of patients with Alzheimer's disease includes the presence of plaque in the brain. These changes were first discovered in 1907 by the German neurologist Alois Alzheimer. Hence the disorder was named after him. According to American Psychiatric Association, 1997, it afflicts about 5 to 8% of those age 65, 15 to 20% of those over 75 and 25 to 50% of those over 85. Senility is caused by physical deterioration of the brain.…show more content…
With Alzheimer patient, atrophy (shrinking) of the frontal or temporal lobes of the brain, generalized atrophy, and or other "signal" changes in the white matter may appear on any of the above tests. An EEG may show non-specific changes. The types of treatment for Alzheimer patients: At this time there is no known definitive cure for Alzheimer. Treatment is aimed at relief of symptons and protection from the affects of the deteriorating condition. Tacrine and/or cognex may be used, and the results vary. Most treatments are experimental or have had variable results. According to Dr. Obi, the Medical Director of WCAS, in his speech about care for Alzheimer's patients he said, "Stopping or changing medication that worsen confusion may improve cognitive functions. This may help include medications such as anticholinergics, analgesics, cimetidine and central nervous system depressants." In addition, he stated that "Underlying disorders that contribute to confusion should be identified and treated as appropriate. These include heart failure, hypoxia, thyroid disorders, anemia, nutritional disorders, infections and psychiatric conditions such as depression. Medication may be required to control aggressive or agitated behaviors. These are usually given in low doses. Some of the medications include; anti-psychotics, serotin-affecting drugs (Lithium) trazodone, buspirone, clonazepan, cambamazepine, cholinergic stimulators (such as tacrine phosphatidyl

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